List of Gintama Opening and Ending Songs

Gintama (銀魂) is an anime series based on the manga of the same name written and illustrated by Hideaki Sorachi.

Here is the list of all the opening and ending songs for Gintama:

Gintama Opening Songs

# Title Performer Episodes
1 Pray Tommy heavenly6 1-24
2 Tooi Nioi YO-KING 25-49
3 Giniro no Sora redballoon 50-75
4 Kasanaru Kage Hearts Grow 76-99
5 Donten DOES 100-125
6 Anata MAGIC monobright 126-150
7 Stairway Generation Base Ball Bear 151-176
8 Light Infection Prague 177-201

Gintama Ending Songs

# Title Performer Episodes
1 Fuusen Gum Captain Straydum 1-13
2 MR.RAINDROP amplified 14-24
3 Yuki no Tsubasa redballoon 25-37
4 Candy Line Hitomi Takahashi 38-49
5 Shura DOES 50-62
6 Kiseki Snowkel 63-75
8 Speed of Flow The Rodeo Carburettor 88-99
9 Sanagi POSSIBILITY 100-112
10 This World is yours plingmin 113-125
11 Ai, Ai, Ai GHOSTNOTE 126-138
12 Kagayaita SHIGI 139-150
13 Asa Answer PENGIN 151-163
14 Wo Ai Ni Hitomi Takahashi feat. Beat Crusaders 164-176
15 Wonderful Days ONE☆DRAFT 177-189
16 SAYONARA no Sora Qwai 190-201

Gintama’ Opening Songs

# Title Performer Episodes
1 Tougenkyou Alien serial TV drama 1-26
2 Dilemma ecosystem 27-39
3 Wonderland FLiP 40-51

Gintama’ Ending Songs

# Title Performer Episodes
1 Samurai Heart (Some Like It Hot!!)  SPYAIR 1-13
2 Balance Doll Prague 14-26
3 Anagura Kuroneko Chelsea 27-39
4 Nakama Good Coming 40-50
5 Tougenkyou Alien serial TV drama 51

Gintama’: Enchousen Opening Songs

# Title Performer Episodes
1 LET’S GO OUT Amoyamo 1-3
2 Mantama Tsu Terakado ♀ with Houkago Happy Hour 4
3 Sakura Mitsutsuki SPYAIR 5-8
4 Expect Page 9

Gintama’: Enchousen Ending Songs

# Title Performer Episodes
1 Moonwalk Monobright 1-3
2 LET’S GO OUT Amoyamo 4
3 Expect Page 5-8, 10-13
4 Sakura Mitsutsuki SPYAIR 9

Gintama° Opening Songs

# Title Performer Episodes
2 Pride Kakumei CHiCO with HoneyWorks 13-15, 17-26
3 Saigo made II Aqua Timez 16
4 Beautiful Days OKAMOTO’S 27-38
5 Know Know Know DOES 39-50
6 Acchi Muite Swimy 51

Gintama° Ending Songs

# Title Performer Episodes
1 DESTINY Negoto 1-12
2 Saigo made II Aqua Timez 13-15, 17-26
3 Pride Kakumei CHiCO with HoneyWorks 16
4 Glorious Days THREE LIGHTS DOWN KINGS 27-38
5 Acchi Muite Swimy 39-50
6 Know Know Know DOES 51

Gintama. Opening Songs

# Title Performer Episodes
1 Kagerou ЯeaL 1-11

Gintama. Ending Songs

# Title Performer Episodes
2 Kagerou ЯeaL 12

Gintama.: Porori-hen Opening Songs

# Title Performer Episodes

Gintama.: Porori-hen Ending Songs

# Title Performer Episodes
1 Hankou Seimei Ayumikurikamaki 1-13

Gintama.: Shirogane no Tamashii-hen Opening Songs

# Title Performer Episodes
1 Katte ni My Soul DISH// 1-12

Gintama.: Shirogane no Tamashii-hen Ending Songs

# Title Performer Episodes
1 Hana Ichi Monme BURNOUT SYNDROMES 1-12

Gintama.: Shirogane no Tamashii-hen – Kouhan-sen Opening Songs

# Title Performer Episodes
1 I Wanna Be… SPYAIR 1-14

Gintama.: Shirogane no Tamashii-hen – Kouhan-sen Ending Songs

# Title Performer Episodes
1 Hikari Shoumeiron CHiCO with HoneyWorks 1-14

Gintama Movie 1: Shinyaku Benizakura-hen Theme Songs

# Title Performer Episodes
1 Bokutachi no Kisetsu DOES 1
2 Bakuchi Dance DOES 1

Gintama Movie 2: Kanketsu-hen – Yorozuya yo Eien Nare Theme Songs

# Title Performer Episodes
1 Genjou Destruction SPYAIR 1
2 Pray Tommy heavenly6 1

Gintama: The Semi-Final Opening Songs

# Title Performer Episodes
1 I Wanna Be… SPYAIR 1-2

Gintama: The Semi-Final Ending Songs

# Title Performer Episodes
1 Wadachi SPYAIR 1-2

Gintama: The Final Opening Songs

# Title Performer Episodes
1 Wadachi SPYAIR 1

Gintama: The Final Ending Songs

# Title Performer Episodes
1 Wadachi SPYAIR 1

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