List of Gensou Sangokushi: Tengen Reishinki Opening and Ending Songs

Gensou Sangokushi: Tengen Reishinki (幻想三國誌 -天元霊心記-) is an original anime series based on the role-playing game developed and published by UserJoy Technology for Microsoft Windows titled Fantasia Sango. The series is animated by Geek Toys and directed by Shunsuke Machitani, with Shinpei Nagai serving as assistant director, Masashi Suzuki in charge of series scripts, CSPG and Tetsutaro Yui designing the characters, and Tsutomu Tagashira composing the series’ music.

Here is the list of all the opening and ending songs for Gensou Sangokushi: Tengen Reishinki:

Gensou Sangokushi: Tengen Reishinki Opening Songs

# Title Performer Episodes
1 ENISHI  Machico 2-12

Gensou Sangokushi: Tengen Reishinki Ending Songs

# Title Performer Episodes
1 ENISHI  Machico 2-12
2 Uso LACCO TOWER 2-12

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