List of Tokyo 24th Ward and Tokyo 24-ku Opening and Ending Songs
Tokyo 24th Ward and Tokyo 24-ku (東京24区), also known as Tokyo Twenty Fourth Ward is an original anime series produced by CloverWorks. The series is directed by Naokatsu Tsuda, with Vio Shimokura writing and overseeing series’ scripts, Shuji Sogabe and Kanako Nono designing the characters, Takahiro Kishida adapting those designs for animation, and Hideyuki Fukasawa composing the series’ music.
Here is the list of all the opening and ending songs for Tokyo 24th Ward and Tokyo 24-ku:
Tokyo 24th Ward and Tokyo 24-ku Opening Songs
# | Title | Performer | Episodes |
1 | Paper Sky | Survive Said The Prophet | ? |
Tokyo 24th Ward and Tokyo 24-ku Ending Songs
# | Title | Performer | Episodes |
1 | 255,255,255 | Shuuta Aoi (CV: Junya Enoki), Ran Akagi (CV: Yuuma Uchida), Kouki Suidou (CV: Kaito Ishikawa) | ? |
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