List of Neon Genesis Evangelion Opening and Ending Songs
Neon Genesis Evangelion (新世紀エヴァンゲリオン) is an original anime series produced by Gainax and Tatsunoko Production. The story follows Shinji Ikari, Rei Ayanami and Asuka Langley Soryu, the pilots of the Evangelions during the beginning of the Third Impact. Shinji is subjected to the Human Instrumentality Project, a process in which human souls are merged into a single divine entity.
Here is the list of all the opening and ending songs for Neon Genesis Evangelion:
Neon Genesis Evangelion Opening Songs
# | Title | Performer | Episodes |
1 | Zankoku na Tenshi no Thesis | Yoko Takahashi | 1-26 |
Neon Genesis Evangelion Ending Songs
# | Title | Performer | Episodes |
1 | Fly Me to the Moon | Claire | 1-4 |
2 | Fly Me to the Moon -Rei #5 Version- | Megumi Hayashibara | 5 |
3 | Fly Me to the Moon -Rei #6 Version- | Megumi Hayashibara | 6 |
4 | Fly Me to the Moon -4 Beat Version- | Yoko Takahashi | 7, 12 |
5 | Fly Me to the Moon -Aya Bossa Techno Version- | Aya | 8, 22 |
6 | Fly Me to the Moon -Yoko Takahashi Acid Bossa Version- | Yoko Takahashi | 9, 13 |
7 | Fly Me to the Moon -Yoko Takahashi Version- | Yoko Takahashi | 10, 14, 21 |
8 | Fly Me to the Moon -4 Beat Version Off Vocal- | 15 | |
9 | Fly Me to the Moon -Off Vocal Version- | 16, 24 | |
10 | Fly Me to the Moon -Aki Jungle Version- | Aki | 17 |
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