List of Dog Days Opening and Ending Songs
Dog Days is an anime series created by Masaki Tsuzuki and produced by Seven Arcs and Aniplex under the direction of Keizo Kusakawa.
Here is the list of all the opening and ending songs for Dog Days:
Dog Days Opening Songs
# | Title | Performer | Episodes |
1 | Scarlet Knight | Nana Mizuki | 1-13 |
Dog Days Ending Songs
# | Title | Performer | Episodes |
1 | Presenter | Yui Horie | 1-12 |
2 | Miracle Colors | Yui Horie | 13 |
Dog Days’ Opening Songs
# | Title | Performer | Episodes |
1 | FEARLESS HERO | Nana Mizuki | 1-13 |
Dog Days’ Ending Songs
# | Title | Performer | Episodes |
1 | Natsu no Yakusoku | Yui Horie | 1-13 |
Dog Days” Opening Songs
# | Title | Performer | Episodes |
1 | No Limit | Nana Mizuki | 1-12 |
Dog Days” Ending Songs
# | Title | Performer | Episodes |
1 | Stay With Me | Yui Horie | 1-12 |
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