List of Deca-Dence Opening and Ending Songs
Deca-Dence (デカダンス) is an original anime series produced and animated by NUT. It was directed by Yuzuru Tachikawa, written by Hiroshi Seko, featuring original character designs by Pomodorosa, animation character designs and chief animation direction by Shinichi Kurita, and music composed by Masahiro Tokuda.
Here is the list of all the opening and ending songs for Deca-Dence:
Deca-Dence Opening Songs
# | Title | Performer | Episodes |
1 | Theater of Life | Konomi Suzuki | 2-11 |
Deca-Dence Ending Songs
# | Title | Performer | Episodes |
1 | Kioku no Hakobune | Kashitaro Ito | 2-12 |
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