List of Ayaka Opening and Ending Songs
Ayaka (AYAKA ‐あやか‐), also known as Ayaka: A Story of Bonds and Wounds is an original anime series created and written by GoRA, animated by Studio Blanc and produced by King Records. It is directed by Nobuyoshi Nagayama, with Kana Shibue composing the music and Ryo Tanaka directing the sound at Bit Grooove Promotion.
Here is the list of all the opening and ending songs for Ayaka:
Ayaka Opening Songs
# | Title | Performer | Episodes |
1 | AYAKASHI | angela | 2-8, 11 |
Ayaka Ending Songs
# | Title | Performer | Episodes |
1 | AYAKASHI | angela | 1, 12 |
2 | Flashback | saji | 2-11 |
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