List of Yuru Camp△ (Laid-Back Camp) Opening and Ending Songs

Laid-Back Camp, also known as Yuru Camp△ (ゆるキャン△) is a Japanese anime series based on the manga series of the same name written and illustrated by Afro.

Here is the list of all the opening and ending songs for Yuru Camp△:

Yuru Camp△ Opening Songs

# Title Performer Episodes
1 SHINY DAYS Asaka 1-8, 10, 12

Yuru Camp△ Ending Songs

# Title Performer Episodes
1 Fuyu Biyori Eri Sasaki 1-12

Yuru Camp△ Season 2 Opening Songs

# Title Performer Episodes
1 Seize The Day Asaka 1-13

Yuru Camp△ Season 2 Ending Songs

# Title Performer Episodes
1 Haru no Tonari Eri Sasaki 1-13

Yuru Camp△ Season 3 Opening Songs

# Title Performer Episodes
1 Laid-Back Journey Kiminone 1-12

Yuru Camp△ Season 3 Ending Songs

# Title Performer Episodes
1 So Precious Asaka 1-12

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