List of Kill la Kill Opening and Ending Songs
Kill la Kill (キルラキル) is an original anime series produced by Trigger. The story follows Ryuko Matoi, a girl seeking out the wielder of a scissor blade who murdered her father.
Here is the list of all the opening and ending songs for Kill la Kill:
Kill la Kill Opening Songs
# | Title | Performer | Episodes |
1 | Sirius | Eir Aoi | 2-14 |
2 | ambiguous | GARNiDELiA | 16-17, 19-23 |
Kill la Kill Ending Songs
# | Title | Performer | Episodes |
1 | Sirius | Eir Aoi | 1, 15 |
2 | Gomen ne, Iiko ja Irarenai. | Miku Sawai | 2-14, 24 |
3 | Shinsekai Koukyougaku | Sayonara Ponytail | 16-23 |
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